大連翻譯公司分享經(jīng)典表達clamour for 要求、叫囂 If people are clamouring for something, they are demanding it in a noisy or angry way. 強烈要求 以下是大連翻譯公司經(jīng)典例句! competing parties clamouring for the attention of the voter. 競爭黨派大聲疾呼以吸引選民的關注。 利用疫情搞“去**化”,鼓吹所謂“經(jīng)濟脫鉤”、“平行體系”,較終只會損害本國和各國共同利益。 The practice of using the pandemic to pursue “de-globalization” or clamor for “economic decoupling” and “parallel systems” will end up hurting one’s own interests and the common interests of all. 人類社會已經(jīng)進入21世紀,人類文明也已經(jīng)發(fā)展到很高程度,如果現(xiàn)在還鼓吹甚至制造文明沖突,就是開歷史的倒車。 We are already in the 21st century and the human civilization is quite advanced. If anyone is trying to clamor for or even to create the clash of civilizations, he is trying to reverse the wheels of history. 有些人不遺余力地把中國渲染成美國的主要對手,炒作中美關系難以逃脫所謂“修昔底德陷阱”、“文明沖突陷阱”,甚至鼓吹要與中國全面“脫鉤”。 Some people are using every means to depict China as a major adversary, marketing their prophecy that the relationship is doomed to fall into the Thucydides Trap or the Clash of Civilizations Trap, and they even clamor for a full "decoupling" with China. 鼓吹“文明沖突論”的人,心靈深處恐怕殘留著某種西方文明優(yōu)越論的潛意識。 For those who clamored for clash of civilizations, subconsciously they still believe in the superiority of Western civilizations. 現(xiàn)在,南海的溫度已經(jīng)很高了,已有人在叫喊什么“今夜*”了,如果任由溫度上升,可能發(fā)生意外,甚至把整個南海搞亂,進而把亞洲搞亂! The temperature of the South China Sea is now high enough. Some people even clamored for “fight tonight”. If such momentum went unchecked, accidents could happen and the South China Sea might sink into chaos and so might the entire Asia. 有些同志不顧此時此地的具體條件,空嚷發(fā)展。 Some comrades who disregard the specific conditions here and now are setting up an empty clamour for development.
中國周朝開始,官方正規(guī)翻譯機構始有記載,周朝當時稱翻譯官員為“行人”、“象胥”。秦朝大一統(tǒng)后,改稱翻譯官為典客,又另設典屬國。到了漢代,沿襲秦朝的制度設立“典客官”,漢景帝改名為“大行令”,漢武帝太初元年改名為“大鴻臚”。東漢、魏、晉、南北朝和隋朝的官方翻譯機構,大體上沿襲西漢。 隋煬帝時,設置“四方館”。唐朝專司翻譯的機構為中書省和鴻臚寺,宋朝有譯經(jīng)院。元代設立蒙古房、蒙古特學等,到了明代,設
大連翻譯公司雙語法語分享-建筑工程常用詞匯匯編之土方工程(1) 法語 漢語 fondation 基礎 mur 墻基 briques 磚基礎 béton 混凝土基礎 isolée 墩基礎,柱基礎 sur grille couché 格排地層基礎 sur pieux 樁基 Couche 層 Couche argileuse 粘質巖層 Couche imperméable argileuse 不透水粘土
大連翻譯公司雙語賞析敦煌月牙泉景點介紹! 甘肅省敦煌市以其博大精深的文化內(nèi)涵而**于世,“敦,大也;煌,盛也。”盛大輝煌的敦煌有著悠久的歷史,燦爛的文化!她位于甘肅、青海、新疆三?。▍^(qū))的交匯點,東峙峰巖突兀的三危山,南枕氣勢雄偉的祁連山,西接浩瀚無垠的塔克拉瑪干大沙漠,北靠嶙峋蛇曲的北塞山。面積3.12萬平方公里,人口18萬多,雖然全市經(jīng)濟主要以農(nóng)業(yè)為主,但是旅游服務業(yè)仍是其支柱產(chǎn)業(yè)。 Dunh
刷手機 日常生活中,刷手機、刷卡都可以用這個詞:swipe(滑動) 刷手機 Swipe your phone. 刷手機上癮 Glued to your phone 被膠水粘手機上了(比較中性) Addicted to your phone 對手機上癮(比較負面) Can’t put it down 無法放下它,愛不釋手(比較生動) 如果一本書非常精彩,寫的很好,你也可以說:This book is
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公司名: 大連信雅達翻譯服務有限公司
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